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La Crete Skating Club

Registration for the New Year has begun! Register before December 20th, 2024 for early bird pricing ($50 will be added to all registrations past that date). Select the "Register Today" link to register and find out more about the specific groups.


If you have any questions regarding registrations, contact Michelle 780-285-1350.

If you have already reached the max of $600/family in kitchen fees due to hockey, contact Michelle for an invoice adjustment. 


Starskate Fees: Program fee $250 + $61.65 Skate Canada fee (one time fee per year) + $150 kitchen fee. 

Canskate Monday/Wednesday. 
PreCan-Level 3: 3:30- 4:15 pm

Level 4 - Level 6: 4:15-5:00 pm

Program fee  $100 + $61.65 Skate Canada fee + $150 kitchen fee

CanSkate is our learn to skate program, if you are new to skating, please register your child in precanskate-level 3, skaters must be at least 3.5 years of age at time of registration. If you have further questions on where to register your child, please don’t hesitate to ask. 

CSA approved Helmets are required for canskate. 

Please ensure your skater has warm gloves, or they will not be allowed on the ice.





2023 Newsletter: Learn to Skate, CanSkate, and Intro to STAR :: Bayfield  Skating Club


The first decision to be made before going to the store is what style of skates [figure or hockey]
is more appropriate. For a first time skater, this decision is not really critical. Kids will outgrow
skates long before the type of skate has a significant effect on performance.
The more important factor is the quality and support of the boot.
Modern skates provide firm support around the ankles. To accomplish this, the skate
manufacturer installs stiff leather inserts between the outer and inner layers of the boot. Old
skates may lack this stiffness; in used skates, it may be broken down from use or abuse. With
the skates laced up snuggly, the ankles should be straight so that the skate becomes a natural
extension of the leg. If the skater's ankles lean inward or outward, the skater will have difficulty
balancing (particularly on one foot).

Canskate and STARskate


Register Today!